Parking Ticket

Need to pay for a parking ticket?

Pay for your parking ticket online, by phone, or by mail.


Step 1.Gather your information

Make sure you have your citation or license plate number. 

Step 2.Make a payment

We use to process parking citations. All violations must be paid in full. 

Pay your Parking Ticket


Step 1.Gather your information

Make sure you have your citation or license plate number. 

Step 2.Make a payment

Failure to pay your citation in a timely manner may result in further action, including a referral to a collection agency, the imposition of additional fees, and the denial of vehicle registration. 

Call 1-800-989-2058 to pay through an automated phone system.

Step 3.Check on the status of your citation

If you have already made a payment and have received correspondence from the Citation Processing Center, it is possible your payment was received, and you owe a delinquent fee.

Check your citation status



Step 1.Gather your information

Place your citation and payment into an envelope.

Step 2.Make a payment

Failure to pay your citation promptly may result in further action, including collection agency referral, the imposition of additional fees, and the denial of vehicle registration. 

Attach appropriate postage and address your envelope to:
City of Kissimmee, C/O Citation Processing Center
P.O. Box 10479,
Newport Beach, CA 92658

Make checks and money orders payable to:The City of Kissimmee with the citation number listed in the memo section.

In Person

Step 1.Gather your information

Make sure you have your citation or license plate number. 

Step 2.Make a payment

Kissimmee Police Department
8 N. Stewart Ave
Kissimmee, FL 34741

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8 am - 1 pm, 2 pm - 4 pm
Closed on City Holidays

We accept Visa, MasterCard, checks, and money orders ONLY. Make checks and money orders payable to The City of Kissimmee.